Senior Chaplain Jonathan Grigsby

Is Marriage Obsolete? Part II

In continuing my thoughts of marriage being obsolete which I agree with based on the current method  and the way of thinking that men and women are coming together in their institution.  I have been fortunate to work with a number of couples from culturally diverse backgrounds for many years and what I have seen is their inability of an effective way of thinking to create happiness with their spouse to be in their marriage.

It has been stated that they wanted to get married and settle down.  I have examined both of these words.  Settle means to make stable.  Down means a less excited condition.  This cognition or way of thinking is a major factor in marriage being obsolete. Once you have “settled down” it does not require you to love from an emotional perspective.  Emotions have been defined as ones feelings, thoughts and beliefs on the inside that is caused by pain or pleasure with the  purpose of directing you to a particular place.  The   place that they are being directed is not marriage.  Meeting ones emotional needs as husband and wife has silently become obsolete.

It is believed that marriage is designed for you stay together based on commitment instead it should be an emotional driven relationship based on meeting each other definition of love with healthy codependency.

Let me know your thoughts.

Categories: Workshop.

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