Senior Chaplain Jonathan Grigsby

How Can We Make Marriage A Necessary Component in Society Again?

As I continue to examine the hearts and minds of the people who find that the institution of marriage has become obsolete (not necessary).   I must say that I believe that this way of thinking is due largely in part to a person’s mindset of marriage. Many have chosen to handle their challenges with marriage through avoidance. This is managed by staying single, having random sex partners or living together.  I love being married but I’ve decided to set my passion and love for the institution of marriage aside for a moment and display some empathy so that I can really feel where people are coming from.
If your perception of marriage tends to it being obsolete then it is possible that your mental, emotional and social reality of this institution has been framed with disappointment, fear, parents and family members marriages failing, friends having their marital issues and even religious leaders who can preach a good word of loving your spouse but seem to do very little of their own.  All of these factors play a pivotal role in how an individual’s perception (reality) is formed and if the key life influences are off course, how should you expect your life to turn out?
The question that I ask you now is….What Do You Want Out of Your Life? In order to begin to answer that question, you must first have a vision and understand that you are a creator. You create in your mind what type of marriage you want from a social perspective (how you will communicate and interact in the position of a husband and wife and get educated for it). You do the same from an emotional perspective (the type of love you want based on your definition of it with healthy boundaries). And lastly, your psychological perspective (having someone that will have a creative way of thinking and not set in their ways when it comes to love, problem solving and achieving).
The key to creating a life-long institution is to come together and establish an effecting dating process. I’m referring to dating with a purpose greater than the magic in the bedroom during a one night stand. From dating, the couple would transition into a courtship with someone who is willing to have the type of cognition (way of thinking) that would create happiness and bliss with ones spouse.  Marriage was designed (by God) for two people to come together and conquer life in this earth as a team; not to kill each other on the path of self-indulgence.

Categories: Workshop.

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